New Age Hotel...Holy Grail...
Nephew Koala Kid Wants You Too!!!
Do You Qualify As New Age Junkee?...
1-Do you awake in the middle of the night, in a cold sweat, drooling and thinking about your next visit to New Age Hotel Holy Grail?
2-When talking with fellow new age junkee on the telephone, where your spouse wonders why you are talking for such a long time, three hours into it, and you explain to said spouse that picking the wallpaper for the linen closet at the New Age Hotel Holy Grail holds very deep philosophical implications and warrants such meticulous consternations?
3-When you hear the word 'football', does your mind immediately conjure an image of feet hanging where the balls ought to be, indicating a lack of interest in the sport?
4-When you hear the word 'football', does your mind immediately conjure an image of actual feet being shaped like spheres, again showing your total disregard for the sport?
5-or perhaps, when you hear the word football, your mind conjures up an image of an actual football, as used in the sport, that actually is shaped like a foot...and sorry...I have no explanation as to why that might be...perhaps on the verge of maybe liking the sport a little bit...or maybe you are just into the Superbowl halftime and commercials?
6-Has your spouse consulted with a divorce attorney, asking to modify the clause...from... 'till death do us apart'... to.... 'till death and/or New Age Hotel does us apart'?
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